
Crash Replacement

Crash Replacement
Our goal at Vent Racing Technologies is to give you a safe, reliable, and good looking product. To that end, we offer all of our Replacement Cages with full 100% crash replacement coverage. We are so confident that our materials and built quality are the best on the market that are willing to stand behind them 100%.

Here is how it works:
  1. Buy one of our standard replacement cages in person, from our website, or from one of our dealers. (Full custom cages and that are modified to customer specifications are not covered)
  2. Take your machine out and enjoy it. Hopefully you never have an accident. But, If you crash it and some how manage to bend our cage, if you are local to our shop you can bring it in, or you can take pictures of the bent cage, and send us the clamps or bungs with a copy of your original invoice.
  3. We will build you a new cage based on your original order. You just pay shipping. That's right. An absolutely new, free cage.

HOW CAN WE DO THIS? We believe a few simple principles that led us to this decision:
  1. Everyone deserves to be able to ride safely.
  2. We are so confident in our skills and techniques that we can put our money where our mouth is.
  3. We know that when you wreck your machine the last thing you want to do is buy another upgraded cage.
Based on this, we feel we should stand behind our cages 100% anything less would be a lack of confidence in our products.
Put simply, when you buy one of our cages, and manage to destroy it, you GET A BRAND SPANKING NEW ONE FOR FREE!
This crash replacement program applies to the original purchaser, for the two years after purchase date, of any of the cages listed on our website. It does not apply to any custom cages or custom modifications. Replacement covers cage deformations only. It does not cover chips or marring to powder coating, the roof, bumpers, or any accessories. Please see our FAQ's for full details.
We are extremely adamant about the safety of our customers. Through product design and engineering we work to increase the safety of your machine and to help you have an even safer riding experience. Our crash replacement policy is not an excuse to abuse your machine or drive it in a reckless, or dangerous manner. We highly recommend you read and follow the owner's manual that came with your specific side by side or UTV carefully, adhere to all on-vehicle warnings, wear the proper safety gear as outlined in the manual, and abide by all state and federal safety laws.


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